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Streamer bets $500,000 on France winning the 2022 World Cup, here's how he reacted to his loss

xQc bets half a million dollars on France winning the Qatar World Cup final and closed his bet in the middle of live streaming for only $5,000.


Yesterday, Messi made 47 million Argentinians happy, made 67 million French people sad and left a Canadian on the verge of tears. We are referring to xQc, a canuck streamer with more than 2 million subscribers on YouTube and nearly 11.5 million followers on Twitch. During the Qatar World Cup final, xQc (Felix Lengye alias) made a stream during the match in which he bet $500,000 that France would win.

This is how the xQc's heated up on social media: "I've been saying France is gonna win it all since the first game. putting money where my mouth is. the easiest win of my life. my mans PayPal is about to snap on these noobs." And here is the proof of his bet that he himself shared:

The fact is that things got so bad for France after the first half (they went into the locker room 2-0 down) that xQC decided to close the bet at halftime. To avoid losing everything, the streamer accepted $5,000 for surrendering. You can imagine the general hilarity in his chat room when in the second half Mbappé started scoring goals and threatened a comeback. It was as if he had lost twice. For betting on the wrong team and for throwing in the towel early.

Worst of all, xQc declared himself a gambler a few months ago, when he admitted to losing close to $2 million in online casinos but defended that he would continue to advertise bookmakers. “I’m just easily addicted so I just shouldn’t gamble. I still do it. Is that good? No, that’s terrible. That’s illness! That’s illness. That’s ill, I’m ill. But you know what, I can afford to be ill! I’m lucky!” How not to enjoy the following video after such statements? This is the moment when the streamer closed his bet and lost $495,000.