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Steven Spielberg apologizes to sharks nearly 50 years after his legendary movie

The famous film director, responsible for Jaws (1975), states in a recent interview that he feels guilty about the way most people view the species.


The list of movie classics that everyone should see is made up of a huge number of films, and one of them is Jaws. It was in 1975 when Steven Spielberg made us see sharks as a particularly dangerous and deadly animal, an idea that practically all of us share. However, this is something the director is not too proud of.

In a way, Spielberg feels responsible for the species being endangered, since it has become a favorite prey in the world of sport hunting: “I truly and to this day regret the decimation of the shark population because of the book and the film," he explains on BBC Radio 4, as well as admitting that he is not afraid of being eaten by one, but feels that the animal "are somehow mad" with him.

How many people die each year from shark attacks?

According to the most recent ISAF (International Shark Attack File) report, 11 deaths from attacks by this species were recorded in 2021 (2 less than in 2020). In terms of total bites, they were up to 73 unprovoked attacks (a year earlier, the figure stood at 57). Despite their fearsome appearance and the fact that almost everyone thinks they are very dangerous animals, the numbers do not reflect that idea, as mosquitoes themselves cause more than 700,000 deaths annually, while crocodiles claim more than 1,000 lives in the same time.

Where to watch Jaws online

If you still haven't seen one of the most famous movies in the history of cinema, or if you want to enjoy a classic again, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that it is not available on any streaming platform so you can enjoy it at the click of a button. However, there is the option of renting them on such basic services as Apple iTunes, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies and YouTube.

Sources | BBC Radio 4; vía Collider, ISAF