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The creators of The Last of Us series on HBO reveal the terrifying storyline that has been ruled out for Tess

Some details of the story of Joel's friend and colleague have changed from the game to the series, but you can't imagine what was in store for her.


The Last of Us as a franchise, whether in video games or in the new HBO series, would not be the same without the presence of Joel and Ellie, its main characters. But beyond them, it would not be the same without other characters as important as Tess, Joel's partner, friend and confidante. The character is played in the series by Anna Torv (Mindhunter, Fringe) and has a considerable role from the very beginning of the series.

Many users already know his story, while others have only recently discovered it after the premiere of episode 2 on HBO. What none of us knew was that the show's creators, Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin, had a very different story in mind. We don't know if that would have been a good idea, but it's still interesting to know that the creators put all kinds of ideas on the table, even if many of them end up in the trash can when it comes to production.

Anna Torv plays Tess in the HBO series. On the right you can see what the character looks like in the original game.

The tragedy in Tess's family

As both Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin have commented on HBO, they both had an alternate history for Tess that was very different from the final version. Mazin reveals that Tess "had a husband and she had a son, and they were infected and she had to kill them.” To further twist the story, the director adds that while she was able to do so with her husband, she felt unable to do the same with her son, so she decided to leave him locked in a basement, so that "theoretically he's still a clicker. Had such a story been included in the series, it would undoubtedly have made for a truly gruesome moment.

We remind you that you can already watch episode 2 of The Last of Us on HBO. A series that has become a resounding success, to the point that sales of the games in the franchise are skyrocketing these days.

Source | Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin; vía Collider