Gaming Club


Close Up - movie and TV recommendations for the weekend of January 27 - 29

New content on Meristation USA! Join Pamela Martinez each week as she shares her recommendations for movies, television and entertainment trends.


The weekend is coming and besides playing all day in front of the PC or on the couch, there is still time to go to the movies or watch TV without worrying. We know that there are a lot of entertainment options out there, and we have an idea. So now every Friday, along with our list of free games for the weekend, we will explore some recommendations for the weekend in a video format, as well as see some of the trending news related to the world of entertainment with our new show, Close Up.

Check out the first episode

With that said, we welcome Pamela Martinez, who will be our host on Close Up, our weekly video dedicated to presenting these recommendations. Pam knows about movies and has been dedicated to them for several years, so her suggestions will be fascinating. Take a look below:

What to expect from the first Close Up

We don't want to give away too much of what you'll see in the premiere video, but let's just say there are recommendations for movies, Prime Video, and HBO Max, as well as some relevant news that happened this week.

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And stay tuned to Meristation USA for all your video game, entertainment, and technology news.