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Seinfeld is back after 27 years thanks to an AI creating infinite new episodes

A Twitch channel is broadcasting new Seinfeld episodes generated by an AI to thousands of viewers, and they are as surreal and disturbing as they are funny


Jerry Seinfeld would kill us if he read this. Larry David too. Although in the case of the latter, it is probable that after killing us he also took advantage of this idea to make a twelfth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The point is that 27 years after its final episode aired, someone just brought Seinfeld back to life. Someone... or something. Because it’s an AI that is creating new episodes of the series with computer graphics. And it’s also broadcasting them continuously through a Twitch channel known as WatchMeForever.

Nothing, Forever. This is what this disturbing creation is called, in clear allusion to the fact that its episodes follow one another without pause and to the joke of a certain episode of Seinfeld in which George and Jerry discussed the idea of creating “a series that is about nothing”. That hilarious gag has been used over time to describe Seinfeld itself, but it must be said that its creators never really liked it. “The show about nothing was just a joke in an episode many years later,” revealed Seinfeld himself in a Reddit AMA. “ And Larry and I to this day are surprised that it caught on as a way that people describe the show, because to us it's the opposite of that.”

Known as Mismatch Media, its creators describe Nothing, Forever as a show about nothing, that happens forever. Kinda like popular sitcoms of the past, except that it never stops. Nothing, Forever is always-on, runs 365 days of the year, and delivers new content every minute. Everything you see, hear, or experience (with the exception of the artwork and laugh track) is always brand new content, generated via machine learning and AI algorithms.” The project uses DALL-E, Open AI, Stable Difussion and many other technologies, and has been in development for four years, originating from the idea of making something like Rabbits, by David Lynch.

Although the characters move the way they do and at times the dialogues do not make sense, from time to time the AI manages to hit the spot and leads its 10,000 viewers on average to celebrate and enjoy hilarious scenes. But having such a large audience and generating content every minute, the question now is to what extent is it legal to be so similar to Seinfeld and where their limits are, if any.