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What house should you choose in Hogwarts Legacy? Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw

Before you embark yourself on the epic magical adventure of Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll have to make an important choice about what house of the school to enlist in.


It’s almost here: Hogwarts Legacy launches on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | S this Friday February 10. It is, without a doubt, one of the most anticipated releases of the year, since it is not every day that we are lucky enough to say that we are going to enter an adventure based on the Harry Potter universe. We have talked a lot about the game in recent months, but today we have to talk about something incredibly important that you should know before starting the game: What will your house be at Hogwarts? Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin...

The 4 houses of Hogwarts Legacy, which one to choose?

Fans of the Harry Potter universe know perfectly well that there are different houses in which every student of magic can be sorted into. Each of them has its own story, built through all the books and movies of the long-running franchise. And how could it be otherwise in Hogwarts Legacy? This time, we get to choose our favorite when starting the adventure. Have you already decided? We help you find the ideal one for you.


Bravery, readiness, courage and chivalry. These are the main attributes that aspiring wizards and witches must have to be part of the house founded by Godric Gryffindor. “where the brave ones go” says the Sorting Hat about it. The emblem sports a fierce lion and the signature colors form a combination of gold and scarlet.


“Or maybe in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends. Those cunning people use any means to achieve their ends.”. The ideal place for the most ambitious, cunning and resourceful applicants. A description perfectly represented by its symbol: the fearsome black snake that looks menacing on a green canvas.


Helga Hufflepuff, the Medieval Witch, was in charge of founding the house represented by the badger. The colors are very striking: yellow and black, and the values it represents are work, patience, friendship and honesty. “You can belong to Hufflepuff, where they are fair and loyal. Those persevering Hufflepuffs. They really don't fear hard work”.


With a combination of blue and bronze as prominent colors and an imposing imperial eagle as its symbol, the house founded by the witch Rowena Ravenclaw represents values such as curiosity, creativity and the desire to discover. “Or perhaps to the ancient wisdom of Ravenclaw, If you have a willing mind, for those of intelligence and learning will always find their kind there”.

Are there romances in Hogwarts Legacy?

This is one of the main doubts among players, since it is an open world adventure with RPG mechanics and many characters to talk to, many people have considered the possibility of it:.establishing sentimental ties with them, as it happens in titles like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, among others. In this link we covered the matter and went through everything you need to know about it.

Hogwarts Legacy will go on sale this February 10 on PC and next-generation consoles, with a later release on PS4, Xbox One, and even more for Nintendo Switch.