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Respawn Entertainment

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor brings The Force with this 9 minute gameplay video

Respawn Entertainment’s Star Wars Jedi sequel was delayed until April 28, so they’ve gone ahead and shared some amazing early gameplay footage.


Cal Kestis' adventure continues; Darth Sidious's reign of terror prevails. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the direct sequel to Fallen Order, the action game developed by the creators of Titanfall 2. Although the title was delayed at the last minute, IGN has posted a 9-minute gameplay video showing the protagonist making full use of his Jedi faculties.

After Order 66 was issued, only a few Jedi survived the purge, among them former Padawan Cal Kestis. As the Galactic Empire tries to hunt them down, insurgent groups turn against the Imperials. In the mission that appears in the gameplay video, Kestis lands on the planet Koboh, a system never before seen in the series. There he faces separatist-made droids and various beasts while displaying the powers of the Force.

April 28 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will go on sale on April 28 on PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC after a delay of more than a month. There will be a bridge story between the two games in the Cal Kestis saga, a novel written by Sam Maggs that will hit the market on March 7 and will be titled Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars. The protagonist has not yet made the leap to live action, although his interpreter, Cameron Monaghan, has not hidden his desire for it to happen in the future.

Respawn Entertainment has other Star Wars projects in the works, details of which are barely known.They are developing a shooter, but they are also working together with Bit Reactor studio on a strategy game. Beyond Electronic Arts, other studios are working on future titles for the Star Wars franchise, among which is the open world title from Ubisoft Massive Entertainment.

Source | IGN