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Respawn Entertainment

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor director reveals why the game is only coming to “new gen” consoles

Respawn Entertainment’s new game is leaving behind the PS4 and Xbox One in favor of the newer generation of consoles, and this is why.


Cal Kestis will wield his lightsaber once more in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to Fallen Order, which will be exclusive to next-gen consoles and PC. Stig Asmussen, director of the game at Respawn, already mentioned on another occasion that lighting had been the great beneficiary of this decision, but the creative has delved further into the reasons for the game being only on PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC.

In an interview with Play Magazine, the head of development has stressed that his intention was to start from the formula of the previous title and expand and improve it.

Why only in the new generation?

“You’ll experience the benefit of the more powerful hardware throughout Survivor,” he said. “Bottom line, we learned quickly that we could take advantage of the faster processors, larger/faster memory, better loading times, etc, to create much larger maps, with more detail, greater density, broader enemy/NPC variety, and overall fidelity.”

“We didn’t want to break what we did in the first game because it was well received, but we wanted to evolve/enhance the experience. This new generation allowed us to do exactly that, and I believe it translates to a true new-gen experience in the Star Wars universe.”

Asmussen has also pointed out that they contemplated the possibility of adding ray tracing to the new gen version of Jedi: Fallen Order, but decided not to implement it for technical reasons. However, it served as a lesson for the sequel.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be released on April 28, 2023 for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC. Despite being originally scheduled for the month of March, Electronic Arts has provided Respawn Entertainment a few extra weeks of development, in order to give it the polish it needs for launch.

Source | Play Magazine (via Gaming Bolt)