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Retro Studios

Metroid Prime’s original team is disappointed they weren’t included in the Remaster’s credits

The Retro Studios developers that helped create the original Metroid Prime were not named in the remaster's credits, and they’re not happy about it


The launch of Metroid Prime Remastered after last week's Nintendo Direct was quite a surprise, and in fact, its great quality is delighting the fans. But the ones who don't seem very happy are the members of Retro Studios who participated in the development of the original game, and who have been essentially excluded from the credits of this remaster, and they’ve not hesitated to show their disappointment.

The original team is raising their voice

This has been made known by one of them, Zoid Kirsch, who has taken to Twitter to show the discomfort of the entire team. “While many studios did amazing work on the remaster, I'm let down Metroid Prime's Remaster does not include the full original game credits,” said Kirsch. “I worked with so many amazing people on the game and everyone's name should be included in the remaster, not just a single card like this.

Instead of appearing individually, the game's credits include a cursory message that reads "Based on the work of Metroid Prime(Original NINTENDO GAMECUBE and Wii Versions) Development Staff,” which by all accounts seems like an understatement. But Kirsch has not been the only one who has shown his disappointment...

Another member of that team, Jack Matthews, has responded to Kirsch's own tweet. In that answer, he acknowledges being aware that much of the original code has been replaced, Matthews states that he considers it "embarrassing for the people who worked on it Like Mark HH, Steve McCrea, the entire art and game design team."

Curiously, this is not the first time that the franchise suffers from controversies in relation to the credits. A similar thing happened in the series’ last installment, Metroid Dread, when some ex members of Mercury Steam who came to work on it alluded that their name had also been omitted.

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