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Michael B. Jordan explains why live-action anime movies like Dragonball Evolution are a flop

Anime is one of the main sources of inspiration for Creed III, his new film in the Rocky saga; why can't anime live-action films really work?


Creed III, the new installment of the Rocky saga starring Michael B. Jordan, is doing great at the box office, a movie whose main inspiration was anime, a format of which the actor himself is a fan. Now, as part of the promotion of his new film, the actor seems to be clear about why live-action adaptations of anime do not work, with special emphasis on the always reviled Dragonball Evolution. This was revealed in a recent interview of the actor with the French media Konbini.

Michael B. Jordan and his relationship with anime

The Konbini channel spent some time with Michael B. Jordan in one of the last video stores in Paris, in the middle of the promotion of Creed III, where the actor talked about his movie preferences and anime. When it comes to Dragonball Evolution, Michael B. Jordan explains why he thinks this kind of adaptation doesn't work in Hollywood.

"There is the trouble, we haven't pulled it off yet, we're still waiting for someone to really do it. It wasn't going to be me, not yet. So I thought, ‘Okay, I'm just doing a little bit, let me start. Let's see if I can pull it off’ in a way that it works you know, Without, no offense, becoming Dragon Ball,” the actor says. Still, he's hopeful that a good live-action anime adaptation will be made one day, although for now he's detailing what won't work.

"It’s tough because the anime is so rich in so many themes, animation allows you to do things in a way that our technology and our cameras and cinema has not caught up yet. As far as the business side of it, there are people thinking in a room who, ‘Let’s take this IP, cast actors and do the thing.’ They have yet to grasp the true essence of themes, and what makes anime, anime. I think you need a real fan, someone who really loves it in order to pull it off, the way it needs to in a combination with the cinematic element and the new technologies," the actor concludes.

Source | Konbini