Gaming Club

E3 2023

Want to attend E3 2023? You can apply for your accreditation now

E3 2023 is still a few months away, but the ESA and producer ReedPop are pleased to announce that registration is now open for your accreditation.


E3 2023 continues on its steady path to becoming a reality. ReedPop, the producer of the event in partnership with ESA, has announced that registration for media and industry is now open. Want to visit the Los Angeles Convention Center? If you are a developer, member of the press, or content creator, you can register for accreditation.

You should go to this link if you are a developer in the video game industry. On the other hand, if you are a media or content creator, click here. If you would like to attend as a player, click here to learn how to purchase tickets.

E3 2023 Calendar

E3 2023 will feature a hybrid model that will run from June 11-17. Throughout the week, there will be a digital edition where multiple companies will showcase what they are working on. The days dedicated to employees, press, and content creators will be June 13-15. Only June 15 and 16 will be open to the public.

On the digital side, some of the conferences that will take place this week have been confirmed. In a press release, the producer points out that the PC Gaming Show, Future Games Show, Guerrilla Collective, and Black Voices in Gaming will be part of the event, with new additions to be confirmed later.

Regarding the companies that will be under the ESA umbrella, ReedPop states that they will announce the full list "in the days leading up" to the event, although any company is free to announce its participation between now and the start of the event. They emphasize that they will be "AAA companies, in addition to indie darlings and tech and hardware firms.” Ubisoft, for example, has already confirmed its presence. Nintendo, on the other hand, will not be present this year.

Source | Press Release