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Where is Midas in Fortnite? Location and how he escaped from his cell

Midas is back in Fortnite, appearing as an NPC on the island after escaping from the cell where Hades kept him. Location and how he managed to escape.

With the arrival of Fortnite Patch 29.01 on March 19, 2024, Midas has returned to the game in style with his own event of free quests and rewards. Not only that, but he also appears in-game as an NPC offering us certain services, and his presence serves to further the plot of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2. In this guide, we will answer the question “Where is Midas?” and tell you how he managed to escape.

Location of Midas in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2

After the content update 29.01 of Fortnite, Midas is located on the yacht Marigold to the west of the island. We leave you with a map of her location:

Midas lurks on the upper deck of the yacht, so if we can reach him from the air, it should not cost us anything to locate him. He is an NPC who offers the following services:

  • Healing: 100 gold bars
  • Drum Gun: 300 gold bars

How did Midas manage to escape his cell in Fortnite?

Since the beginning of the season, Midas has been held in a cell in the Underworld, though we don’t know why Hades locked him up.

Before Fortnite patch 29.01, Midas’ cell was tightly locked, representing his captivity since the beginning of the season.

fortnite midas nueva temporada

However, after the 29.01 content update, the cell is now open and can be visited. What’s more, as part of a quest that’s divided into several stages in Rise of Midas, we’ll be required to investigate the cell and deduce how he escaped.

After figuring out how she did it, we need to talk to Marigold to tell her. Her process was as follows:

  • Midas was bound with shackles that suppressed his golden touch powers on both hands. But a guard removed one of them. With his free hand, he turned the guard into gold.
  • Again with his free hand, he turned the other restraint to gold, softening it and freeing himself.
  • After freeing himself, he turned the door into gold, which allowed him to break it down and finally escape.

In Greek mythology, King Midas was the biological son of Zeus, which is why he may have returned to Fortnite to rebel against his father, this season’s villain. Zeus leads the Greek gods and wants to wipe out mortals. Because of this, Midas can be a key player in thwarting his plan and helping humans defeat Zeus.