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Chris Pratt went on a tough diet to play Star-Lord in the MCU: “I was peeing all day”

James Gunn was not convinced of the actor’s chances as the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but Marvel Studios had faith in him.


If there is one characteristic of Marvel Studios that is indisputable, it is its success in casting actors and actresses who, for the most part, nail the roles. Of course, such decisions have a huge impact on the careers of those chosen, especially in roles of great importance and career. In the case of Chris Evans, it was difficult to convince him to be Captain America, while Chris Pratt had a lot to deal with: from James Gunn’s doubts to the strict diet and training the actor had to undergo. So it seems from a recent article published by Vanity Fair on the ins and outs of the MCU.

Chris Pratt’s arduous journey to become Star-Lord

Chris Pratt was recommended by Marvel Studios casting director Halley Finn after being considered for the role of Cap years ago. “I was so excited and I went to James [Gunn] and he said, ‘Chris Pratt, no way, he’s totally wrong,’” said Finn, who felt no other actor could play Star-Lord, not even the Parks and Recreation star.

That’s how Finn convinced Pratt to play Star-Lord, even though the actor wasn’t sold. “Chris walked in the room, and we have this audition, and it’s really magical. Within ten seconds, James turned around and looked at me and said, ‘He’s the guy,’” the casting director continued. The real challenge for Pratt, however, was that he had gained weight for the role on his show and needed to get in shape for Marvel Studios.

Marvel contacted Duffy Gaver, Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer for Thor, who took on the challenge of training the actor for the role of the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. In turn, nutritionist Philip Goglia took charge of the actor’s diet, which required him to consume 4,000 calories a day along with a glass of water for every pound he weighed: “I was peeing all day long, every day. That part was a nightmare,” Pratt adds.

The rest is history, with Chris Pratt totally dedicated to his role as Star-Lord, who has given us several memorable appearances as part of the MCU, both in the Guardians of the Galaxy productions and in the various crossovers he has participated in.