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Marvel Studios

David Fincher could have directed ‘Spider-Man’, but thought his origin story was ‘dumb’

The director behind ‘Seven’, ‘Zodiac’, ‘The Social Network’, and many more award-winning movies could have directed the original ' Spider-Man’, but he disagreed with its origin story.

Spider-Man David Fincher

David Fincher, recognized director of films like ‘Alien 3′, ‘Seven’, ‘Fight Club’, ‘Zodiac’ and ‘The social network’ and producer of ‘House of Cards’ and director of the ‘Mindhunter’ series, could have taken over the ‘Spider-Man’ trilogy from the 2000s directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire. This is what he explained in a recent interview with The Guardian, where he assured that he walked away from the project for a very specific reason: he considered the origin story of ‘Spider-Man’ “dumb”.

What would ‘Spider-Man’ by David Fincher be like?

It’s been 25 years now, when Sony intended to develop a live action film of ‘Spider-Man’, and they wanted David Fincher to direct it. The filmmaker, a renowned comic book reader during his childhood, came to present an idea in 1999 about his vision of Spider-Man. However, the producer was not interested in the approach Fincher had to the character: “They weren’t fucking interested.”, the filmmaker acknowledged.

Spider-Man David Fincher
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Fincher wanted to bring Peter Parker as an adult to the big screen, without the need to explore its beginnings: “They were like: ‘Why would you want to eviscerate the origin story?’ And I was like: ‘’Cos it’s dumb?’ That origin story means a lot of things to a lot of people, but I looked at it and I was like: ‘A red and blue spider?’ There’s a lot of things I can do in my life and that’s just not one of them.”

David Fincher has not been very keen on joining large blockbuster franchises; Without going too far, his directorial debut was with the controversial ‘Alien 3′, a film which didn’t have a very good reception at the time. Be that as it may, there is still the possibility of seeing a much older ‘Spider-Man’ with the possible return of Tobey Maguire to the character, whether in the Spiderverse from Sony or in some future multiversal crossover of the MCU, such as the next installments of ‘Avengers’.