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Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo IV: Meet the Infernal Edge, the most powerful item in the game to date

The grind to get more powerful continues with every Diablo IV players hacking away at the tides of hell, but someone has found the most powerful weapon yet.

Diablo IV was released a little over a month ago, yet its most hardcore players continue to grind daily for gear, XP, and some of the more legendary weapons for bragging rights. But while Unique and Sacred rank loot tends to be the rarest and most powerful of it all, someone seems to have found the strongest piece of gear yet in the game as an Ancestral Rare.

It was user 5altwaterCowboy who posted on Reddit about a certain weapon he happened to have obtained while playing: a two-handed sword named “Infernal Edge” that requires its wielder to be Level 100. While it’s only an “Ancestral Rare” weapon, which is less than a Legendary, even more so than a Unique item, the Infernal Edge has an Item Power Level of 845.

With all 5 upgrades at the blacksmith, the weapon manages to reach Item Power Level 870, which so far is the highest that’s ever been found by the Diablo IV community. It’s certainly a surprise to see that it wasn’t one of the “rarest weapons” that the community found out about just last week, but even while it doesn’t hold that rank, it’s no laughing matter.

If you look at its traits you’ll find that it heavily buffs whatever character may be able to hold it: +72 to every stat, +93% damage to wounded enemies, and +63% critical damage. A Barbarian carrying one of these would absolutely wreck any demon that dares stand in its way, and that’s even before socketing it with gems or infusing it with a Legendary Aspect to raise its rank.

The most powerful weapon… so far

Season 1 of Diablo IV is about to be released, and with it many more powerful items are sure to be discovered. After all, it’s in the nature of this type of game that with every update, players get stronger and stronger pieces of gear.

The Season of the Malignant is set to start on July 20, 2023, and it’ll include many new features for the game. From a new character and questline, to a dreadful new boss and tons of gear, you can read all about it right here.