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Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a pawn sickness that could completely “ruin” your playthrough: how to cure Dragonblight

Dragonblight has the risk of killing hundreds of Dragon’s Dogma 2 NPCs at a time, but there are ways to cure afflicted pawns, as well as fix its consequences.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the biggest game out right now, controversies or not. Capcom’s action RPG for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC has garnered very positive reviews, with players continuing to discover secrets, among which is the Dragonblight, a strange illness that can affect pawns and is transmited through contact with infected pawns. Did you know that if a pawn becomes afflicted with it it can even kill entire towns, as well as important NPCs for the main missions of the game? Well now that you know, it’s time to learn about the disease in detail and how to deal with it.

What is Dragonblight, the pawns disease

As its name indicates, this condition causes pawns to fall ill, although instead of losing energy and dying, what they do is lose their minds, ignore the orders of the Arisen (the player), and even, if not treated in time, kill any NPC that crosses their path. In addition, it is difficult to notice it, since symptoms are not always obvious and to further complicate things, Pawns will kill NPCs automatically when you choose to sleep at an inn.

The origin of the disease is unknown, so you must always be alert for what may happen. Also, keep in mind that if an infected pawn joins your team, it is very likely that it will quickly infect the others.

How to know if a pawn is infected

  • The main visible symptom is that the pawn’s eyes will turn a glowing blood red. Under normal conditions, it is not usual to look at their eyes, but knowing this it does not hurt to stand close to them and move the camera to inspect their pupils.
  • As far as their behavior is concerned, an infected pawn will stop obeying the orders of its Arisen (the player).
  • Besides, when in a static position, if you don’t move for a few moments, they tend to grab their heads with their hands, just as if it hurt them.

How to cure Dragonblight

We have bad and good news. The bad news is that the disease has no treatment and the only way to say goodbye to the illness is through death. The good thing is that pawns can be resurrected (by interacting with a rift stone in the case of your main pawn) or hired again. So if you confirm that a member of your team is infected, locate a deep water source (rivers, lakes, shores), pick them up, and throw them into the brine so they drown. You can also kill them by throwing them from high up and letting their health drain out..

Pawns sick with Dragonblight who die and are resurrected or hired will return without any trace of the disease. On the other hand, if you’ve already fallen into the trap of an infected pawn causing the death of, say, an entire city, there is one way to fix what happened. We won’t go into many details here, but there is a way to obtain an item that can help fix it, but you’ll need to face off against a powerful monster to get one. If you’re curious about it, it’s called an Eternal Wakestone, so you can already begin to imagine what it does.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is available on, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.