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Everything we know about GTA 6, the upcoming Grand Theft Auto from Rockstar

We take a look at all the information known so far about Grand Theft Auto VI: protagonists, map, setting, track list, and more.


We don’t know how much of what we saw in those 90+ leaked videos of the game will make it into the final version of GTA 6, but with its announcement just around the corner, it’s worth revisiting everything we saw in them. Because it’s finally coming. Because Rockstar has already confirmed the date on which the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI will be released, and all it took was a tweet to get us climbing the walls.

Maybe everything has changed, maybe not. Just in case, we’re going to revisit what was leaked a year ago when a 16-year-old repeat offender hacker bypassed Rockstar’s security and was arrested. Although it is preliminary and part of a work in progress, among the gigabytes and gigabytes of data we can already appreciate many interesting details about the protagonists, the setting and the approach of this GTA VI. Do you remember them?

Two protagonists: Lucia and Jason

A few months ago, long before the aforementioned leaks, Bloomberg pulled back the curtain and confirmed that Grand Theft Auto VI will have a female protagonist for the first time in the history of the series. The publication also said at the time that this new installment would be inspired by Bonnie & Clyde and that it would revolve around two playable characters, one of which would be a Latina. Well, the leaks have confirmed everything.

The leaks of GTA VI also revealed the appearance and the name of these two protagonists. They look like we show you below, they are called Lucia and Jason and we can switch from one to the other by pressing “down” on the D-pad. This means that it will be as easy and simple as in GTA V, returning to do their lives when we do not control them.

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The city is Vice City...

GTA VI will propose us to return to Miami, or rather to Vice City, one of the most beloved locations of the franchise and the place where our favorite installment took place. The leaks left no room for imagination and it seems that finally, more than twenty years later, we will return to this charismatic fictional version of Florida. There are images of public transportation with “Vice City Metro” written on them, the soccer team announced in the downtown stadium is called “Vice City Mambas”, and the police cars have VCPD (Vice City Police Department...) written on them.

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...but set in the present

The only (and crucial) difference from the Vice City we remember is that this time the game is set in the present and not in the eighties. Say goodbye to tacky shirts and hairstyles. GTA VI will leave behind all the ‘Scarface’ and ‘Miami Vice’ flavors to satirize the modern United States and the conflicts of today. There will be cell phones and current technology, the latest model cars, references to GTA V events...

It is also worth remembering that many leaks suggest that Grand Theft Auto VI will add more cities and missions after launch, taking us to nearby South American territories such as Colombia. Therefore, Rockstar may still have some tricks up its sleeve and the final map may surprise us.

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All the weapons in GTA VI

In the videos we could see the classic roulette of the weapons of the franchise, as classic as the controversial aiming system (for some already aged and archaic). Speaking of weapons, these are all the ones we could find in the leaks of GTA VI:

  • Baseball Bat
  • Molotov Cocktail
  • Knife
  • Pump Shotgun
  • Grenade
  • Stun grenade
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Micro SMG
  • Crowbar
  • Golf Club
  • Gun
  • Assault Rifle
  • Hunting Rifle
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Pool cue

Sure, there are many more to be confirmed (rocket launchers, brass knuckles, etc.), but this first list already hints at the level of insanity and savagery of GTA VI, with the spear gun and the classic bats and baseball, golf and pool cues. Fingers crossed for the return of the jetpack.

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First songs for the radio

Obviously, none of what appears in the leaks is definitive and it should be clarified that both the weapons and the songs of these first videos could be simple tests made internally. The first gameplays let you listen to three songs:

  • Cash Sh*t Featuring Da Baby - Megan Thee Stallion
  • Time Bomb - The Ramones
  • 30 Days In The Hole - Humble Pie

We don’t know if Rockstar will end up getting the rights to these songs in the game, but they certainly tried them out during development. GTA’s selection of everything is usually the envy of the genre, with dozens of styles from as many countries and eras as you can imagine. Still, it’s usually not easy to get licensed tracks. Let’s see what kind of selection they can come up with this time.

Speaking of which, there is also a first original tune, a first glimpse of the OST during a heist that many have linked to Tangerine Dream, the pioneers of electronic music who participated in GTA V and did the same in one of the great heist movies in history: Thief (1981, Michael Mann).

The significance of robberies

Bonnie & Clyde as a reference, Tangerine Dream on the soundtrack... It seems that one of the mechanics that the community always likes the most, the robbery of banks and establishments, will take a new leap forward in GTA VI. In the leaked data already referred to crowbars to jimmy locks, lock picks, location trackers and all sorts of tools to break into safes.

In one of the videos, the protagonists were seen robbing a restaurant specializing in waffles, and even the menus indicated that we would be able to interact with more things in the environment, with specific parts of objects, through small dots. In a car, we could move the seat forward or backward, recline it, touch the mirrors... Awesome details.

And the same with the NPCs, in the manner of Red Dead Redemption 2 (use hostages, search corpses...). When you hold the trigger down, you will see several options that change depending on the situation.

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There are thousands of other details (such as random events in the world that cause the appearance of rabid dogs), but roughly speaking, these are the main ones of Grand Theft Auto VI, which we hope will not take too much of a toll. And we say too much because, unfortunately, it has already happened.