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Bethesda Softworks

Fallout’s vaults have a secret dark purpose, and the creator reveals the truth

The creator of the original Fallout unveils the true purpose of the Vaults in the franchise, explaining the experimentation and dark secrets they hold.

The Vaults represent one of the most iconic elements of the Fallout franchise, places where humanity tries to survive after the nuclear cataclysm that ends virtually all life in the United States. Of course, beyond being the place where the different adventures of Fallout begin, little more has been revealed about their true purpose, since the action of the games is centered in and around the wasteland, with the vaults acting mostly as dungeons to explore. Now,Tim Cain, creator of the first Fallout, has revealed the true purpose of these underground facilities, and it is truly unsettling although at the same time a little bit hopeful.

The True Nature of Fallout Vaults

Throughout the different Fallout games we have been able to verify that the Vaults built by the Vault-Tec Corporation, numbered throughout the United States (up to 122), were designed so that the surviving humanity could get by in a totally devastated and hostile world. However, their true purpose was very different: human experimentation in extreme situations. This has been recognized by the creator of Fallout himself on his channel YouTube.

All of this to prepare a future space mission to create the most fit humans for colonizing a planet from another solar system: “The head of the Enclave and the highest levels of government were like ‘let’s build a starship, and take it to nearby stars.’ But that would take forever, so it has to be a multi-generational starship, and the only technology we know how to build is atomic power,” explains Cain.

“So we can make an atomic power plant that would help us build a starship for hundreds of years, but we don’t know how to do anything else. So the Vault-Tec director, not being a great person, says ‘why don’t we use the vaults to figure out the technology we’ll need on the ship?’””, continues its creator. “Making the vaults technological, experimental beds with a purpose towards making a multi-generational starship to take our best and brightest away from Earth if there’s a nuclear war - that made sense.” concludes Cain.

Source | Game Rant