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Games Workshop

Henry Cavill’s Warhammer 40K Amazon series just got the green light

Games Workshop and Amazon have finally reached an agreement to start the production of a Warhammer 40,000 series with Henry Cavill as star, scriptwriter, and executive producer.


The negotiations are over. The series about the Warhammer 40K universe has finally got the green light and is launching its crusade (it’s production is now in full swing). Games Workshop, the owner of the tabletot war game, has broken its silence on the matter and has announced a “full agreement” with Amazon that allows them to begin the next stage.

“All we can tell you right now is that an elite band of screenwriters, each with their own particular passion for Warhammer, is being assembled to help bring the setting and characters you love to the screen” wrote Games Workshop in a blog post.

Previously, the company behind the game warned fans that it’d be a while before we actually saw any project take form. “It’s not unusual for projects to take two to three years from this point before something arrives on screen. Still, things are now properly rolling, and you can bet we’ll bring you all the latest updates and cool snippets as soon as we’re able.”

Henry Cavill, much more than a protagonist

Once stripped of the two roles that both restricted and launched him into stardom (that of Superman and Geralt of Rivia), Henry Cavill has chosen the Warhammer 40K series as his new project (in addition to the reboot of ‘Highlander’). The actor is a proud fan of the miniatures, to which he revealed dedicates hours and hours.

But the actor did not accept the Warhammer 40K project solely for an acting oportunity, as he was offered to serve as executive producer and help the scriptwriters to build the Warhammer 40K “Cinematic Universe”. “This illustrious group will be championed by Henry Cavill, who stands ready to take his place as executive producer—bringing his pen, sword and/or spear to the project”.

The most anticipated Warhammer video game

Of course, it is a good time to prepare a Warhammer 40K series, since Games Workshop’s work is a transmedia product that is currently living through a golden era, especially in the world of video games with one release a year (sometimes even more). Without going too far, this year we have received Warhammer 40.000: Boltgun (a 90′s style Boomer-Shooter) and Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin (an RTS title within their medieval fantasy universe).

But the crown jewel is yet to come. Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, a direct sequel to that authentic cult gem developed by Relic Entertainment in 2011. In it, we will once again put ourselves in the shoes of Captain Titus, although now converted into a Primaris Space Marine Lieutenant , the elite body of these warriors, authentic legends of combat who are like angels of death for the rest of humanity. The game is releasing in 2024 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S (only next gen) and looks as chaotic as only Warhammer could be: