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Team Cherry

Hollow Knight: Silksong developers answer if it is still in development

It’s been a long wait, and with not much news about it, Hollow Knight: Silksong fans fear it may have been canceled. What do the devs have to say about it?


It’s time for another crumb of Hollow Knight: Silksong news! Now that is a bit of a sad sentiment, but fans of Hollow Knight have been waiting for five years with long periods of silence from the developer’s part. While it’s clear that a lot has happened on a global scale since the game was first announced (including but not limited to a pandemic, social injustices, political strife, wars on a global scale, and silicon scarcity), it’s not that hard to believe that an indie team as small as Team Cherry might have been affected in some way, shape or form.

Still, fans will do as fans are used to, and with not many news about its arrival or updates on its development, many have begun to worry that they may never get to see the developer’s work at all. But recently, Matthew Griffin, the head of marketing and publishing at Team Cherry, revealed on Twitter that fans have “no need to worry” about the game’s eventual release.

In a succinct reply to another user asking whether the game might be canceled, Griffin simply stated “No need to worry; Silksong is still in development”.

Fans want Silksong, and they want it now

Of course, with this just being a small comment from a member of the team and not a direct announcement, some followers have had visceral reactions. Many are visibly frustrated about the wait, demanding the devs be more transparent about its development and asking for explanations for why the game has been delayed.

Unfortunately, there’s not much that anyone can really do about it. Entitlement or not, all we Hollow Knight fans can do is wait for an official announcement on Team Cherry’s part. But at least one thing is true: threatening the developers with the dissolution of the game’s subreddit, or even worse things, is not going to accelerate the release of the game. There is nothing we can do but wait and be patient about it.