How to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite for logging in and why Epic Games is giving them away for free
Epic Games is giving away 950 V-Bucks for logging into Fortnite, which has surprised many players. What is the reasoning behind this decision?

Fortnite has surprised its players after the release of patch 29.10, giving away 950 V-Bucks just for logging in. This is a way to get free V-Bucks that has surprised fans of the popular video game from Epic Games. Below, we will tell you how to get free V-Bucks and the possible reasons behind Epic’s decision:
Fortnite is giving away 950 V-Bucks just for logging in: what’s the reason?
The maintenance period for Fortnite’s 29.10 content update ended around 6:00 AM EST on Tuesday, March 26. After logging into Fortnite, many players - including us - received 950 free V-Bucks for no apparent reason.

Next to the receipt of this virtual currency, you can read the terse message “Thanks for playing Fortnite,” so it is unclear why Epic Games is giving away these V-Bucks. One of the reasons why Epic decided to reward players with them could be the eventful start of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, where it was necessary to wait practically 24 hours for the servers to become active again. This would be a way to compensate users for the longest wait between Fortnite seasons so far.
Another possible reason why Epic Games is giving away these V-Bucks could be that they are testing a new refund feature for the Fortnite Club, since 950 V-Bucks is what the Battle Pass costs each season. Epic would be adding a new refund mechanism for Fortnite Club members because it includes access to the Battle Pass while the subscription is still active for $11.99 per month.
In any case, as the saying goes: “Never look a gift horse in the mouth”. Instead of trying to figure out the origin of this gift from Epic Games, we should just accept it and spend it on whatever we want. It’s not normal for the company responsible for Fortnite to give away V-Bucks, let alone in such large amounts. However, at the moment it seems to be a one-time gift and not something recurring; we will update this news as soon as we know more.
What are Fortnite V-Bucks?
Fortnite V-Bucks are a virtual currency that can be exchanged for real money. They are used to purchase items from the in-game store, such as skins, spikes, or dances. The current dollar exchange rate is as follows:

- 1.000 V-Bucks = $8.99
- 2.800 V-Bucks = $22.99
- 5.000 V-Bucks = $36.99
- 13.500 V-Bucks = $89.99
V-Bucks were one of the reasons for the protracted legal battle between Epic Games and Apple, as the creators of Fortnite decided to skip the AppStore commission. The result? V-Bucks were 30% cheaper for players... but Apple didn’t like the move, and removed Fortnite and other Epic games from the App Store. The game is expected to return to iOS devices at the end of 2024.