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DC Studios

James Gunn has revealed the new DC canon, confusing fans with the return of three characters

The DC Studios director confirmed that nothing is officially part of the new canon until the “Creature Commandos” animated series releases in 2024.


DC has been reaping its worst box office returns in theaters around the world with its latest releases, especially since the announcement of the next reboot of the universe in charge of James Gunn and Peter Safran, with different controversies between actors, directors and executives at Warner Bros. Although Gunn himself doesn’t seem to help much in this sense either, all of this following a series of announcements that have even confused fans more by betting on a half-reboot, something that can be deduced from his different statements to the press and in social media. Now, the filmmaker has tried to explain the new DC canon for the big screen, although he has also confirmed the return of three performers of the current DCEU who will return as part of the new DCU as their respective characters.

Peacemaker and Blue Beetle will return in the new DCU

This is how Gunn explained it through his Threads account, explaining that nothing from DC is canon until the premiere of the animated series ‘Creature Commandos’ in 2024 for Max, which will give way to the first film of its new DCU in 2025 with ‘Superman Legacy’: “Nothing is canon until Creature Commandos next year - a sort of aperitif to the DCU - & then a deeper dive into the universe with Superman: Legacy after that. It’s a very human drive to want to understand everything all the time, but I think its okay to be confused about what’s happening in the DCU since no one has seen anything from the DCU yet.,” says Gunn.

Although, all of his arguments are called into question when he added that some of the interpreters of the current DCEU will return with their same roles in his new DCU, something that today does not make much sense: “some actors will be playing characters they’ve played in other stories & some plot points might be consistent with plot points from the dozens of films, shows & animated projects that have come from DC in the past. But nothing is canon until CC and Legacy. "

He has even allowed himself the luxury of naming said interpreters, with Xolo Maridueña again as Blue Beetle, John Cena as Peacemaker, and Viola Davis once again as Amanda Waller, who will continue in the new DCU. If fans are already confused, how will the general public take it when certain actors and actresses continue with their same roles in what must be a new universe?