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DC Studios

James Gunn reveals what he wants for his version of Superman

Director and head of DC Studios James Gunn is ready to begin his tenure at the front of the superhero company, which starts with a new Superman.


With Volume 3 of Guardians of the Galaxy already on the exit ramp for its May 4 premiere, the truth is that the news interest has not been 100% focused on the film. On the one hand, there is the recognition that it is the end of a stage and of some characters, who, more than linked to Marvel studios, have been linked to the figure of James Gunn, with whom they have shared strong ties that go beyond the professional. Some, like Dave Bautista or Zoe Saldana, have already announced that this will be the end of the Guardians for them. On the other hand, there is an obvious interest in prying the director about his new tenure as co-CEO and co-chairman of DC Studios, which is why the media approach him like Variety did on the red carpet at the premiere of Guardians, asking him about the actor who would play Superman in the first movie of his new era: Superman Legacy.

Gunn explained that “it’s hard, but we’re looking,” explaining that “we actually have some really great choices, which I’m excited about. It has to be somebody who has all the humanity that Superman has, but he’s also an alien. It’s gotta be somebody who has the kindness and compassion that Superman has. And it has to be somebody that you’d want to give you a hug.”

Superman Legacy, the bridge between Krypton and Earth

From the new Superman movie we know that it won’t be another origin story but that it will be a retrospective of his personal journey to reconcile his heritage as the Kryptonian Kal-El with the fact that he is also Clark Kent, a boy raised on a farm in Kansas. For that role, the option of Henry Cavill was not on the table, despite the announcement of his return as Superman and his cameo in Black Adam, since Gunn had other plans for the figure he needed as the superhero. Superman Legacy is announced for 2025, as part of a first phase of the new DC cinematographic universe that has been called “Gods and Monsters”, which includes films such as The Authority or the new Batman and Robin, The Brave and the Bold.