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Marvel Studios

Jonathan Major’s future in the MCU as Kang the Conqueror keeps getting endangered

The trial of Jonathan Majors continues to put his role as Kang in the MCU in danger, even after his appearance during Season 2 of Loki.


Last October, it was reported that Jonathan Majors, the actor who plays Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would go to trial for charges of domestic violence after a New York judge’s refusal of the dismissal of accusations from his ex-partner, Grace Jabbari. Although the villain of ‘Creed III’ denies the accusations, messages have appeared from him in which he continues to compromise his participation with Marvel Studios.

These messages, released by Variety, are from last September 22, in which the American actor addresses his girlfriend pointing out that everything she says is completely false, emphasizing that “I fear you have no perspective of what could happen if you go to the hospital. They will ask you questions and as I don’t think you actually protect us it could lead to an investigation even if you do lie and they suspect something”.

Jonathan Majors UCM actor Marvel Studios Kang

Majors’ messages

In addition to what was recently mentioned, Jonathan Majors continued with negative messages towards his ex-partner, also pointing out that he thought about taking his own life when he got home. “I will probably [k]ill myself. It’s not really contemplating any more…I’m a monster. A horrible man. Not capable of love. I am killing myself soon. I’ve already put things in motion”said the actor.

In addition to text messages, TMZ released some audios between both parties, in which the actor compares his ex-partner with Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, emphasizing that she “has to be of a certain mindset to support .” Furthermore, Majors affirms that he is “a great man”, also stating that “I am doing great things, not just for me, but for my, for my culture and the world. That is actually the position I’m in. That’s real. I’m not being a dick about it. I didn’t ask for it. I’ve worked, and that’s the situation”.

The video of the chase

And if the trial was not enough, TMZ also released a video in which Grace Jabbari chases Jonathan Majors through the streets of New York. The clip belongs to the city’s surveillance system, in which she runs after him, due to an alleged fight that occurred between them.

This clip, the calls, and the text messages bring even more problems to the actor who plays Kang the Conqueror, because there is still no decision from Marvel to define what they will do with him, knowing that it is very important since he is currently the villain of the Multiverse Saga.