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Konami lets slip that more Silent Hill remakes are on the way

The Japanese company has informed its shareholders that it has “remakes and completely new entries” of the series in the pipeline.


A linguistic misunderstanding, a slip of the tongue or reality? Konami has not clarified this, but it has not gone unnoticed that the Japanese company has used the plural to refer to the Silent Hill remakes. The publishers of Metal Gear Solid have only officially announced Silent Hill 2: Remake, which is being developed by Bloober Team (The Medium, Layers of Fear), although it is possible that more titles are in the works.

It was during an investor meeting when Konami pointed out that they have “remakes and completely new entries” on the way, as reported by VGC.

“As for ongoing efforts, we are working diligently on Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, which faithfully recreates the story, characters, and game design of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, one of the most beloved entries in the Metal Gear series, and updates its graphical style to modern graphics for the current generation, as well as remakes and completely new entries in the Silent Hill series, which gained popularity as a psychological horror game..”

The long road to Silent Hill’s return

The future of the horror franchise darkened after the cancellation of Silent Hills, the game designed by Hideo Kojima and in which filmmaker Guillermo del Toro also collaborated. The Japanese creative left Konami (not on good terms) and the franchise fell into a spiral of silence. Over the past year, leaks and rumors have surfaced, leading to a series of announcements from the studio. In addition to Silent Hill 2 Remake, the next main installment has already been confirmed and is titled Silent Hill F. On the other hand, No Code is working on Silent Hill Townfall, a more independent title.

Controversy never seems to escape Konami. Silent Hill: Ascension, the recently released interactive series, has been the subject of harsh criticism from some players who feel it is full of micropayments.

The remake of Silent Hill 2 still has no release date, although the studio says the project is in the final stages of development.