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Marvel ‘snaped’ 45 minutes of footage of Thanos in Avengers Infinity War: Here’s what his scene looked like

The creator of the famous Marvel Comics villain, Jim Starlin, claims that the Russo brothers removed a lot of footage of the Mad Titan from the movie.


Thanos is the big protagonist of Avengers Infinity War, a villain who has left his mark on the MCU and of whom we could have seen much more in the Russo Brothers’ first major crossover for Marvel Studios. This has been assured by Jim Starlin, creator of the character in Marvel Comics, in a recent interview with Near Mint Condition (via The Direct), explaining in detail the cut footage of Josh Brolin’s Mad Titan at the beginning of this movie, with a total of 45 minutes that we will never see.

This is what the 45-minute deleted scene of Thanos looked like.

Jim Starlin has explained that he has had to keep Thanos’ secret for a year and a half since Avengers Infinity War screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely told him what would happen to his character in Marvel Studios’ two colossal cinematic crossovers: “Just before ‘[Avengers:] Infinity War’ came out, I have been in contact with Joe Russo, one of the directors. And when I was on the set, Markus and McFeely told me everything, what they were doing in the two movies, they ran me down this hallway that had all the concept paintings up on the wall. And so for a year-and-a-half, I had to keep my mouth shut,” explained Starlin.

The most interesting part of the interview, however, is the explanation of a great 45-minute Thanos-focused sequence that was ultimately deleted from the final cut. A scene that showed Thanos obtaining the first Infinity Stone, which the studio didn’t want to spend so much money on, thus cutting into the footage of an already very long movie: “about a month before the movie came out, I got an email or something from Joe saying, ‘the 45 minutes of Thanos that we had at the beginning of Infinity War, we had it cut.’ There was a whole sequence of him getting the first gem and they had to cut that out. They shot it, but they never wanted to spend the money on the effects and they didn’t want the movie to be as long as the second one [Endgame] was. They didn’t realize it was going to be quite the hit it was.”

Source | The Direct