Gaming Club

One Piece

‘One Piece’ reveals one of its biggest mysteries in the anime: the appearance of Vegapunk

The scientific genius of Eiichiro Oda is seen for the first time in the anime.


‘One Piece’ continues the Egghead arc in both the manga and the anime, and although the timing is different, the scenario remains the same. The anime, in its latest episode, experienced one of the most anticipated moments of the series for almost two decades: the real appearance of Dr. Vegapunk. The scientific genius has been one of the great mysteries of Eiichiro Oda’s work for many years, formulating a large number of theories about a character whose true nature was unknown, and who in Egghead introduced us to his six satellites until we finally got to see his real appearance.

The first time Vegapunk was mentioned in ‘One Piece’ was in chapter 433 of the manga published in 2006, which corresponds to episode 315 of the anime released in 2007. It was Koby in Water 7 who told Luffy about Dr. Vegapunk, the genius who makes the impossible possible thanks to his technological advances. Since then, almost two decades have passed before we could see his real appearance, and although we already met him in the manga, it is now the anime’s turn to introduce us to one of the most important characters of the work.

Egghead kicks off big in ‘One Piece’ anime

The current arc of ‘One Piece’ is proving to be one of the most intense manga arcs in Eiichiro Oda’s oeuvre, and that’s no small feat for a series that has been running for nearly three decades. Vegapunk’s appearance is far from the menacing scientist that the series hinted at at one point, and his actual appearance is that of a kindly old man, reminiscent of a great scientist of our world like Albert Einstein. The presentation of Vegapunk’s appearance in the anime is different from that of the manga, as it directly shows his current appearance, while in the manga we first saw him in a flashback on the island of Ohara.