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Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 Invasion update brings with it a new support hero

Overwatch 2 is entering a new era with its new content update, Invasion, which brings a new Support hero, as well as story missions, a new PvP mode, and more.


Overwatch 2 is about to get a little bigger thanks to the arrival of the Invasion update, probably the biggest content drop for the sequel yet. Launching on August 10, this update comes with the long-promised story missions, a new PvP mode called Flashpoint, a new Season Pass and, of course, the newest Support Hero for the game, Illari.

Blizzard still hasn’t shared the official details of Illari’s moveset in-game, but her teaser gives us a lot to work with. For starters, she carries what looks to be a massive railgun seemingly powered by the sun. She also throws an orb that floats above allies and heals them, while she can also be seen escaping control abilities, shown in the trailer as getting out of Orisa’s Ultimate.

At a certain point in the trailer she uses what we imagine is her Ultimate ability. This ability launches Illari into the air, where she then shoots a solar bomb after absorbing energy with her gun, causing a massive area-of-effect target on the ground. It’s a bit odd that, even though she’s tagged as a support hero her trailer shows off her offensive capabilities. It’ll be interesting to find out how she fits into the meta.

Overwatch 2: Invasion brings much more to the table

Aside from Illari, this new update finally brings players the chance to play through the plot of Overwatch 2. The story missions come by way of a PvE component that’ll seemingly include multiple stages, cutscenes, and will directly advance the story of Overwatch in-game instead of simply being flashbacks, as had been the case ever since the release of the original game.

This is all part of Season 6 of Overwatch 2, which will come with a new battle pass. However, Blizzard did not share any specific details about what’s included in it, but did show off new skins for several characters in the trailer, like Zarya, Phara, Roadhog, Winston, and many more. And of course, there’s a new Mythic skin coming, this time apparently for Ana. The theme this time seems to be Null Sector, who will act as the main enemies of the game’s story missions.