Pentagon Launches Website with Pictures and Videos of UFOs
In addition, anyone can document their possible sightings for analysis.

Since time immemorial, man has wondered if they are alone in the universe, and this is the main reason why many people are naturally attracted to ufology (the study of phenomena related to UFOs). Each of us has heard a thousand times about cases of UFO sightings (or even witnessed), as well as various abnormal phenomena with no apparent explanation that invites us to think that it could be related to these types of files.
Well, today we are not talking about urban legends about Area 51, nor about science fiction movies or video games, but about something very real, like the website set up by the Pentagon to document and investigate all kinds of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), where anyone can post their experiences to be investigated by experts in the field belonging to the U.S. government. While the site is still yet under construction, you can check it out by clicking here.
What is a UFO?
Although it is not uncommon for people to associate the word UFO with flying saucers, which we have come to idealize after reading books and watching science fiction movies, the acronym UFO refers only to an unidentified flying object, which is any airborne object that has been sighted but cannot be identified. Have you ever seen a flashing light in the sky at night and not known what it was? Well, you could be talking about a UFO.
NASA joins the streaming world
Every day we get less time to enjoy NASA+, a streaming service in which the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will broadcast live missions, documentaries and all kinds of real content about “how NASA explores the unknown both in the air and in space”. This article will give you all the information you need.