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PS5 allows you to turn off the power-up sound, goodbye to the beep after 17 years

Since the PS3 days, all Sony consoles have been making a very high-pitched noise when turned on, causing several coexistence problems. Today it can finally be disabled on the PS5.

Nobody. Absolutely no one. The people in your house when they hear you turn on the PlayStation: “What are you doing?” The beep Sony consoles make when they boot up has been the subject of worldwide debate since the days of the PlayStation 3. Who hasn’t had the experience of wanting to play a game late at night without drawing attention or being disturbed, only to hear the “beep” sound that alerts the whole neighborhood? Well, 17 years later, it can now be removed.

The latest PS5 update puts an end to that sound, the startup beep that went through reinforced concrete walls and seemed to broadcast our location to satellites and aliens. The new beta version of the console (which you can read all about here) includes an option in the settings to turn off all noise and become as silent as a ninja when you go to play.

PS5 Pro on 2024?

The new console beta comes a few weeks after Sony’s PlayStation 5 plans were leaked. According to Tom Henderson, who usually doesn’t fail at these things, the company is preparing a pro version of the console that will allow 8K and accelerated ray tracing. It would be in development since 2022 and would aim for a release in November 2024.

Henderson assures that studios will start receiving development kits later this year, and that the big goal is to improve the fps rate without sacrificing 4K resolution. To provide some context, the PS4 was released on November 29, 2013 and received a Slim and Pro version in 2016, three years later. Considering that the PS5 will be released in 2020, Sony would have had it a little easier this time around.

Anyway, the real next-gen feature is the ability to turn off the beep sound and not wake up the whole house every time we go to play.