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Resident Evil 4: you only need a golden egg to defeat one of the game’s biggest bosses

An amazingly ridiculous trick has just been found by the Resident Evil 4 remake community, which allows you to basically skip one of the biggest fights in the game.

Resident Evil 4 Remake still has secrets to discover. Users continue to experiment with its mechanics, especially for new playthroughs on higher difficulties. The latest newly discovered concerns one of the most important bosses in the game. If you have not finished it, we recommend that you stop reading here.

This is the trick to kill Salazar in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The trick was discovered and shared by @TheLarxa on Twitter. The content creator used a normal egg on Salazar, incapacitating him for several seconds. What she never imagined is that using the gold version would kill him with one hit... A real stab to the monster’s heart that rushes through the tough fight on higher difficulties.

The creator points out in her tweet that a regular egg performs “70% damage” to the enemy’s health, so a single golden egg is more than enough for Salazar. In fact, in the comments, they point out that there is a secondary mission that makes a small nod to this mechanic. In the request, you are encouraged to throw a normal egg at a portrait of him hanging in the throne room. If you were smart you would understand the reference once you faced him.

This little trick works on all difficulties; @TheLarxa stresses that she made the video attempt on hardcore difficulty. It will be a relief for those who want to complete a game in professional mode. It has not been revealed if all the final bosses can be killed with a single golden egg.

This adds to the long list of secrets that are being discovered by the community, such as the method for skipping the first fight in the village, and the trolling of the veterans towards the newbies with the surprise at the lake. Are you playing it right now?

Source | Twitter