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Starfield builds hype with new faction details, decisions, and consequences

Starfield, Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG for the Xbox Series X|S and PC, reveals new details about its content, factions, and choices.

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We say the hype is high, but is it possible to take it beyond space? Sci-fi lovers can’t wait for the day to play Starfield, Bethesda’s ambitious RPG in which we will explore the galaxy. The game has set its release date for September 6 (buyers of the Premium and Constellation editions will be able to enjoy the title from August 1) and to celebrate that there is now less time to wait, Bethesda has once again raised expectations very high with new details about the factions, our choices and their consequences in the world.

If just a few days ago it was revealed that stealing will be more difficult than in titles like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4, now we have to do the same with a very important element in Bethesda games: the Starfield factions, whose importance in the story and our travels through the galaxy aims to be absolutely transcendental. It was Jamie Mallory, producer on Starfield, who explained some very interesting aspects in the official blog of the studio.

Starfield Factions: “A grand adventure within an adventure”

In a quick round of questions designed to help us learn a little more about such an important figure in the development of Starfield, Mallory delved into his favorite element of the game out of all the things he has worked on recently, and the answer led directly to the factions and the content they will offer players. Remember when we told you that those who tried it were amazed and said that we would be playing it “for years”? Well, it looks like they were right...

Mallory says he’s been focusing on uncovering faction stories lately, and his words on the subject couldn’t be more exciting: “I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the incredible variety in their [faction] storylines. It’s like unlocking a treasure trove of captivating narratives that many folks might not even realize exist. Those intrepid explorers who venture off the beaten path and delve into the faction quests are in for a real treat.”

As for the quests we’ll discover as we engage with the various factions of Starfield, Mallorie says it’s like “embarking on a grand adventure within an adventure, where every choice you make and every interaction you have shapes the course of the tale.” The theme of action and consequence that is characteristic of RPG video games is often controversial when a title fails to fully exploit it, but in this case, the producer invites us to take his word for it: “the rewards are well worth the extra time and effort.”