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Bethesda Softworks

Starfield has the “fewest bugs” of any Bethesda game at launch

The head of Xbox Game Studios is certain that Starfield will have the smoothest launch of any Bethesda game yet, months ahead of release.


Starfield was probably the most prominent game we saw during Summer Games Fest 2023, and not just because of the absolutely huge amount of time that Microsoft dedicated to it in their conference, but because what was shown made it clear that it is a gigantic game. But when talking about big games and Bethesda, you can’t help but think about the studios’ infamous bugs in their previous open-world RPGs. However, things might be different this time, with the head of Xbox Game Studios stating that when the game arrives on September, it’ll be quite optimized.

“We have an awful lot of people internally playing it,” said Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios. “Working with Todd and the team, I see bug counts and just by the numbers, if it shipped today, this would have the fewest bugs that any game from Bethesda has ever shipped with.”

Phil Spencer believes in Starfield

In fact, Phil Spencer acknowledged long ago that Starfield’s release date was set and could already have been out before Microsoft’s purchase of Bethesda, and that’s when it was decided to push it back twice.

“The team has definitely matured,” Spencer said at the time. “They’ve got Fallouts and Skyrims and Elder Scrolls under their belt. Truth be told, when the acquisition closed, this game had a significantly earlier ship date than where we’re actually launching it.”

“I think Matt said we have every QA person in our entire company playing Starfield right now, looking at bug counts, looking at the quality of where we are,” Spencer continued. “The nice thing about what we showed today from my perspective is: that was the game. We’ve been playing the game for quite a while and that’s the game.”

Starfield will launch on September 6 on Xbox Series X|S and PC

Source | Giant Bomb