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Take-Two CEO Doesn't Rule Out Raising GTA VI's Launch Price

One of the most anticipated video games and doubts about its launch price.


Grand Theft Auto VI can be considered one of the most anticipated video games in history, and we will have to wait until the end of 2025 to enjoy it, but there are many doubts that arise around the title and one of them is the price it will have in its standard edition. The reason? Take-Two, the publisher of GTA, was one of the first to increase the price of games with a more expensive development.

Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two, recently spoke about the pricing dynamics of the GTA franchise, and while he did not say or clarify anything about GTA VI and its possible pricing, he did speak about general ideas about the company and the value of its products: “Look, there’s more content constantly being made available, and we really aim to deliver great value at any given time. We’re so focused on delivering more value than what we charge. And that’s sort of the rubric. And any time we establish a price, we want to make sure that it’s good news for the consumer; that the experience vastly over delivers in the context of the cost. That’s the goal.”

GTA VI and the price of the game according to its publisher

The price of GTA VI is currently unknown, so it is difficult to know if there will be a significant increase for its launch. A possibility that, if realized, could be historic for the video game industry and the base price of its top titles in terms of standard editions. Take-Two recently raised the price of GTA+ subscription from $6 to $8, making this service one of the most profitable points of the company based on GTA Online and its microtransactions.

Take-Two was one of the first publishers to charge $70 for new releases, with NBA 2K21 being the first game to be priced that way. According to Zelnick, the $10 increase was a decision that “largely worked as expected” and that “consumer acceptance has been extraordinary. Will GTA VI set a new industry benchmark with Take-Two raising its launch price?