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‘The Boys’ settles the debate: Who would win a fight between Homelander and Superman?

The Homelander actor is clear about what would happen in a fight between the two, addresses rumors about the new superhero he’ll be playing, and offers another reason to watch Season 4.

With season 4 of ‘The Boys’ just around the corner, Antony Starr has done a new round of interviews in which he has stepped into every puddle. The Homelander actor has solved who would win in a fight between Homelander and Superman, answered rumors that he will play another superhero in James Gunn’s new DC Universe and even explained why no one should miss the new episodes of the series.

In an interview with Screen Rant, Starr has no doubts about his duel with the hero of Metropolis: “There’s no Kryptonite factor, and Homie would fight so dirty. He’s the [type to go], “Oh, you got me!” as he goes down and then comes up and throws sand in your eyes. He’s a dirty dude, man. Whereas Superman is always like, “Oh, I wouldn’t do that. Oh, some innocent children might get hurt.” Homie’s going to human shield himself with the kids.”

As for the rumors that place him as the protagonist of ‘Booster Gold’, the new DC series scheduled for 2028 (date by which ‘The Boys’ will have already finished, what a coincidence), the actor does not want to say too much, although he takes the opportunity to unleash praise for James Gunn in an interview with ComicBook. “Me and James just play golf. I think he’s a phenomenal director, producer, talent. He’s one of the biggest brands in the industry, so I’m excited to see what he cooks up.”

Booster Gold is one of DC’s lesser known heroes. Created in 1986, he is a loser from the future who tries to return to the present with all the modern technology he can use to impress everyone and pretend to be a superhero. Gunn described him as “a superhero with imposter syndrome”, and the betting for the role is between Antony Starr and Christ Pratt (who claims to be 100% sure that he can balance a career at Marvel and DC at the same time).

But back to ‘The Boys’ and why to watch this season 4, Antony Starr is clear. “somehow [the show] gets weirder and weirder and weirder,” he told to Variety. “There has to be a ceiling, but we can’t seem to find it I was looking at the person I was opposite, and I said, ‘What are we doing? I can’t believe this! I could have done anything else with my life, but here I am doing this?’ It was truly the most bizarre thing I’ve ever done.”