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DC Studios

The Christopher Reeve Superman cameo in ‘The Flash’ was done without consulting his family

The DCEU’s multiversal crossover of The Flash showed Christopher Reeve back as Superman for a few seconds through CGI, but his children haven’t even seen the movie.

The ‘Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story’ documentary is one of the most anticipated productions in the Sundance Festival of 2024, which is happening in the next few days, a look back at the career of the famous actor who played Superman between 1978 and 1987 that saw his work cut short by the riding accident he suffered in 1995, which left him paralyzed from the neck down until the day he died in 2004, at only 52 years old. However, in 2023 we were able to enjoy again Reeve as Superman again - if only for a few seconds - through his cameo in ‘The Flash’, with his fleeting appearance next to that of Helen Slater as Supergirl, both via CGI. Now, Reeve’s children are sharing their thoughts on their father’s cameo, which they did not know of.

Christopher Reeve’s children did not know about his cameo in ‘The Flash’

In a recent interview on Variety with Christopher Reeve’s children ahead of the premiere of their father’s documentary at the 2024 Sundance Festival, Will, Matthew, and Alexandra Reeve assured that they did not know of said cameo, given that Warner Bros. didn’t inform them or asked for permission. They even claim that they haven’t seen ‘The Flash’. All this is due to the controversy over the use of the image of deceased performers in new productions, whether or not they have the explicit permission from the family.

On the other hand, the actor’s children have chosen the most underrated role in the career of their father, famous for being Superman in the movies in the 70s and 80s. Will is clear: “In our hometown in Bedford, New York…the local movie theater went through a rebrand a few years ago,” Will said. “The person in charge of that shift reached out to me and said they’d love to have me screen a film of my choice of my dad’s. I responded, ‘Sure, but not Superman. We’re going to do “Remains of the Day.”’ He was so proud of his role in that movie. It’s not a big role. It’s an important role in the film. He got to show a completely different side of himself. I knew how proud he was of that,” says Will, ensuring that his father would have chosen the same movie.