Gaming Club

Naughty Dog

The Last of Us director thinks about a possible spin-off with Joel's brother Tommy

Spin-offs could be an important part of The Last of Us’ future.


Neil Druckmann, director of The Last of Us saga, surprised everyone with his statements in ‘Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II,’ the extensive documentary about the game’s development available on YouTube. The dreamed-of third installment is on the lips of all fans of the saga, but its creator also thinks of other possibilities for the rich world and the well-written and detailed characters that have been created.

During the documentary, Druckmann talks about the future of The Last of Us, and how a story centered around Tommy Miller, Joel’s brother, was considered and ultimately shelved, but he thinks it will eventually see the light of day, though he doesn’t know if it will be in the form of a video game or a TV series.

The Last of Us is committed to having spin-offs that help us delve deeper and learn more about its rich universe and characters. Tommy has a lot of potential, not only because of what we have seen in the games, but also because it would allow us to delve into Joel’s past and the time between the pandemic and the beginning of the first game; to know the moment when the two brothers are separated, or what happens after the second part.

The Future of The Last of Us

During the documentary, Druckmann assured that we will probably see “another part of this story.” Statements that fill fans of the saga with optimism and that confirm the fact that The Last of Us 3 is on the table for Naughty Dog. A game that would possibly put an end to the story that began in 2013 with the release of the first installment, and that from the first moment stood out for its quality at all levels, getting to have a series on HBO that has managed to be at the height and provide greater depth to certain parts where the video game does not get to deepen.