Gaming Club

Larian Studios

The reason why the Baldur’s Gate 3 studio was banned from TikTok

Larian Studios’ upcoming title has everything to be one of this year’s most eye-catching titles, but its romance options go beyond what you’d expect.


Baldur’s Gate 3 is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated titles for RPG fans, both in its digital iteration and for those who enjoy playing with pen and paper. PC gamers will be able to enter this fantasy world based on the world of Dungeons and Dragons on August 3rd (while PS5 gamers will have to wait a little longer in early September). From what we’ve seen, it’s a title that will have it all, and its relationship options seem to go beyond what we’re used to, something that even got Larian Studios banned from TikTok.

What happened with Larian Studios Tik Tok account?

Last week, during a studio showcase called Panel From Hell about new details of the game, a scene was shown (which you can see after this paragraph) in which a character and a bear are engaged in a romantic scene - to the surprise of a squirrel. But no, this is not a squirrel scene. As you may know, D&D druids have the power to transform themselves into creatures of the animal kingdom in order to achieve their goals, and one of their most common forms is the bear.

Some time later, Michael Douse, Larian’s Director of Publishing, made some brief remarks after the ban: “TikTok canceled our show because it was too artistic and they don’t understand,” he said.

Who is this Druid?

The bear in question is none other than Buff “Daddy” Halsin, an NPC that players have been looking for with particular interest due to the romantic storylines he offers. As you may have seen, he can turn into a bear, and depending on the path we choose, we can have sex with him, which the developers have presented as a comical moment.

“Have you ever considered the joys and pleasures of sexual congress with a wildshaped Druid?” mentioned lead writer Adam Smith to IGN. “Because at Larian, we have, and ultimately landed on the side of giving the people what they want: tender, consensual romance with a man temporarily transformed into a grizzly bear.”