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The Witcher Season 3 on Netflix finally has its first teaser

Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri are finally back and ready for Season 3 of The Witcher, and Netflix has graced the internet with a revealing teaser.


The Witcher is getting ready for Season 3 with what is sure to be the first of many teasers. Netflix shared a poster in which we can see the three protagonists holding each other, fearful of what is to come. “Hold tight. ‘Til tomorrow”, reads the brief tweet from Netflix, and it seems that we will know more details about the series shortly.

We know that this new adventure of Geralt of Rivia will be released at some point during the summer. Very few details have been released, except for its epic official synopsis: “As monarchs, mages, and beasts of the Continent compete to capture her, Geralt takes Ciri of Cintra into hiding, determined to protect his newly reunited family against those who threaten to destroy it. Entrusted with Ciri’s magical training, Yennefer leads them to the protected fortress of Aretuza, where she hopes to discover more about the girl’s untapped powers; instead, they discover they’ve landed in a battlefield of political corruption, dark magic, and treachery. They must fight back, put everything on the line – or risk losing each other forever.”

Season 3 of The Witcher, the farewell of Henry Cavill

Season 3 of the series will mark a turning point in the future of its adaptation on Netflix. Henry Cavill, the actor who has given life to Geralt of Rivia since the first season, will say goodbye to the role after this upcoming batch of episodes. He will have “a heroic farewell”, according to Lauren Hissrich, his showrunner.

Liam Hemsworth will take the baton of the most famous silver sword in literature during his wanderings on the small screen. What Cavill wanted most from this season was it would be closer to the books compared to the first two seasons, something that seems to be the case. “Season 3, to me, is the closest thing we’ve ever done to a one-on-one adaptation of the books.”, Hissrich explained.

Source | Netflix