These are NASA’s conclusions in their report on UFOs and extraterrestrials
A public report by an independent commission for NASA openly discusses the existence of extraterrestrial life.

These are very busy days as far as the UFO issue is concerned, although what happened in the Mexican Congress does not seem to be very serious compared to what is happening around the world. However, it has been weeks since everything exploded in the U.S. Congress, where an intelligence officer spoke openly under oath about the matter. Today we have the opinion of none other than NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which has drawn conclusions thanks to the participation of an independent commission.
What does NASA say about the existence of extraterrestrials?
The first thing this commission has made clear is that NASA needs to improve its tools for detecting this type of phenomenon. Curiously, they call them UAP - Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - but according to them, telescopes, satellites and other means to detect UAP are currently insufficient to do so because they are not specifically designed for this purpose. Therefore, the first conclusion is that the Agency must work on polishing and updating these types of instruments.

Thus, a 33-page report has been published that, while not denying the existence of extraterrestrial life, is skeptical and assures that alien piloted craft should not be the only explanation for UAP, or at least not the only one.
“Recently, many credible witnesses, often military aviators, have reported seeing objects they did not recognize over U.S. airspace,” the report states. Most of these events have since been explained, but a small handful cannot be immediately identified as known human-made or natural phenomena. These events are now collectively referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UAP.”
The report also emphasizes the importance of eliminating the prejudices that may be suffered by witnesses of this type of phenomena, especially members of the Air Force, who are often the ones who encounter them most.