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This is what the new map of Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 looks like: all the new zones and changes on the island

We show you how is the new map of Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2. This is the new island with all the changes, new features and new areas and places to discover and visit.

This is what the new map of Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 looks like: all the new zones and changes on the island

Lawless, the new season of Fortnite, has arrived. Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 has brought a new map to the game as part of its main new features. In this news, we show you what the new map looks like, what new areas there are, and much more about how the new island has evolved between seasons, as there are many mysteries and places to discover.

This is what the new island in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless looks like

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 has brought a new map with lots of secrets and new locations to discover. Below, we leave you with the map of the new season of Fortnite:

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As you can see, the map is based on the previous season’s map, but adds new named locations and modifies others. The theme of the season is urban and criminal, represented primarily by Crime City, one of the named locations debuting in Lawless.

The train that runs through the central part of the island is also back, and for the first time we will be able to access its interior to rob it while it is in motion. However, do not trust it, as it now has a security system on board with automatic turrets that will eliminate careless players who think that the robbery will be a piece of cake. If we are not interested in the loot, we can still use the train as a means of transportation to get between areas without too much effort. Just remember to hide in one of the turret’s blind spots to avoid getting mowed down!

In short, this new season of Fortnite brings a revamped map with enough new features to keep players interested. As usual, it is expected that with each patch within the season, there will be changes to the scenario. These changes may be subtle and minor, serving to advance the narrative, or larger changes that may alter or add new named locations.

All the new named locations on the Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 map

There are a total of four new named locations on the Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 map. We’ll go over them in detail below:

Shiny Shafts

fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona conductos centelleantes
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fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona conductos centelleantes

You could rob one of Fletcher Kane’s banks for Bars… or you could go right to the source. His mining operation, Shiny Shafts, is a highly contested area above ground and below.

Crime City

fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona distrito delito
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fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona distrito delito

You’re sure to find mayhem in the seedy underbelly of Crime City, the ultimate stomping ground for all manner of corrupt and crooked misfits. Make sure to visit the Hostile Hotel, Wise Guys Bookstore, and the Launder Mat for a full criminal excursion.

Lonewolf Lair

fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona mansion del baron
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fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona mansion del baron

Security is tight around Fletcher’s mansion hideout, Lonewolf Lair. Anyone bold enough to challenge his growing empire is in for a fight!

Outlaw Oasis

fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona villa vil
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fortnite capitulo 6 temporada 2 bandidos nuevo mapa nueva zona villa vil

Unwind at the Outlaw Oasis, a high-end hangout luxury spa and resort where burglars typically relax and recover after a busy day of swiping huge hauls.

In this new season, several areas of the previous map have been removed and replaced with new areas. The missing areas are Nightshift Forest, Burd, Warrior’s Watch, Lost Lake, and Twinkle Terrace. The full list of named locations at the start of the new season is as follows:

  1. Brutal Boxcars
  2. Canyon Crossing
  3. Crime City
  4. Demon’s Dojo
  5. Flooded Frogs
  6. Foxy Floodgate
  7. Hopeful Heights
  8. Kappa Kappa Factory
  9. Lonewolf Lair
  10. Magic Mosses
  11. Masked Meadows
  12. Outlaw Oasis
  13. Pumped Power
  14. Seaport City
  15. Shining Span
  16. Shiny Shafts
  17. Shogun’s Solitude
  18. Whiffy Wharf

As you can see, the new Fortnite map has added entirely new locations, packed with hidden nooks and crannies to discover and loot to obtain. Although the new areas have an urban aesthetic, the vast majority of the returning areas from Chapter 6 Season 1 have an Asian/Japanese aesthetic, such as dojos, temples, large cities, and feudal-era fortresses. In other words, from this second season of Chapter 6, the island begins to become a peculiar cocktail of different themes, something that will expand as the months go by.

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