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Lord of the Rings

What happened to Sauron after the destruction of the ring? Where did he originally come from?

We take a look at Sauron, one of the most important characters in the mythos of J.R.R. Tolkien’s world.

The fall of Sauron, the Dark Lord of Middle-earth, marks one of the most significant events in The Lord of the Rings, Professor J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic saga. The destruction of the One Ring, the source of Sauron’s power, led to his ultimate defeat. But what exactly happened to Sauron after the One Ring was destroyed, and where did this malevolent being originally come from?

Sauron’s Origins

Sauron’s origins go back to the beginning of time in Tolkien’s mythos. He was originally a Maia, a powerful spirit created by Eru Ilúvatar, the supreme deity of Tolkien’s world. The Maiar were lesser Ainur, divine spirits who helped shape the world. Sauron was initially a servant of Aulë, the Vala associated with craftsmanship and creation. But Sauron was seduced by Morgoth (originally known as Melkor), the first Dark Lord, who sought to rule Middle-earth. Under Morgoth’s influence, Sauron became his most trusted lieutenant and inherited his master’s malevolent ambitions after Morgoth’s defeat.

The Fall of Sauron

Sauron rose to power in the Second Age, forging the One Ring to control the other Rings of Power and enslave the free peoples of Middle-earth. The ring, however, was Sauron’s downfall. During the War of the Last Alliance, Isildur cut the ring from Sauron’s hand, destroying his physical form. However, because Sauron’s spirit was bound to the ring, he survived and remained a shadowy presence until the ring was destroyed at the end of the Third Age.

After the destruction of the ring

When Frodo Baggins threw the One Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, Sauron was utterly defeated. His physical form was permanently destroyed, and his spirit, now powerless, dissolved into nothingness. Unlike Morgoth, who was cast into the Void, Sauron’s essence was so diminished that he could never rise again. His defeat marked the end of the Dark Lord’s influence over Middle-earth and ushered in an era of peace.

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