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Bethesda Softworks

What happens if you put 20,000 potatoes in a Starfield cockpit? Awesome physics

A Starfield player has taken to Reddit to showcase the game’s physics engine by filling an entire room of their ship with potatoes, making us nostalgic for Skyrim’s cheese.


A new Bethesda game, a new excuse for players to hoard tons of seemingly useless items in an attempt to break said game. Starfield is only officially released today, but already fans that managed to get into the early access period due to buying the Constellation Edition of the title have been exploring (and exploiting) the sci-fi RPG.

Reddit user Moozipan posted a clip on the game’s subreddit showing off one of their biggest achievements so far with their time in Starfield, and it’s honestly impressive: we see the blast door of a ship’s cockpit opening, and spilling what seems to be thousands of potatoes on the floor. The door is immediately closed again in an effort to contain the spud tsunami, but it’s too late: the tubers are unleashed, and spilled on the floor.

John Linneman of Digital Foundry rightly called the clip “mind blowing” due to the way it showcases what Bethesda’s engine is capable of doing in regards to simulated physics. “The fact that these objects all have physics is impressive,” he said. Seeing how the game doesn’t hitch or stutter at any point during the clip, it’s not hard to wonder what sort of tech wizards worked on making sure that Starfield was able to handle such mashing.

When players tried this back in 2011 with Skyrim and it’s wheels of cheese (or sweet rolls, depending on your preferences), it wasn’t uncommon to hear your PC revving up like crazy right before the title crashed, let alone what it did to consoles.

Starfield is coming to Xbox Game Pass

As you may know, players who have opted for the Constellation or Premium editions have been enjoying the game for a few days now (since September 1st), but the official launch for everyone on Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam and Windows Store will take place the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, September 6th. The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass at that time.

By the way, have you seen the beautiful tribute that Bethesda paid to a player who died just before the launch of Starfield? A good example of how the industry can connect with the community, even if this time for such a sad reason.