Gaming Club

What video games will be like in 2030

We had the opportunity to look into the future of video games.

We had the opportunity to attend the Huawei Analyst Summit in the city of Shenzhen, China, where Sabrina Meng, CFO of Huawei, gave her perspective on what will be the roadmap in technology in 2030. In this speech, she touched on several topics such as cloud computing, digital transformation, and 5G as a transformative factor.

At times, all of this seemed a bit ethereal, but it began to take shape as we entered the company’s headquarters, because although we saw young people coming and going inside the monstrous campus that is the future, we were able to witness firsthand technological applications that left us speechless.

5.5G as the foundation for new content

In one of the rooms where we were shown the latest technology in wireless connectivity, there were a couple of developments that deserve to be placed in what we in technology call a leapfrog.

3D without glasses

The first patent they showed us was to see a three-dimensional video on a “normal” screen without having to use glasses. It is important to note that this is not the first approach we have had to this technology (the 3DS screen comes to mind), but it is the first where we see that it is driven by the speed of the network, since through giga networks (more than 10 GB download per 1 GB upload) they achieve that 120 Hz screens in sync with vision sensors, giving us a unique three-dimensional effect.

3D without glasses and with volume

Just a few steps after this demonstration, we were shown another flat panel display that was able to emulate the volume of objects in the same way, using images at high speeds at 8K screen resolutions. The impressive thing was the data, as this monitor showed 100 different viewpoints at 24 frames per second at these resolutions.

Three-dimensional imaging without lenses made possible by a giga-network

3D without glasses on smartphones

The icing on the cake came when we visited the Darwin Room, where they display most of the technologies they are promoting as part of the digital transformation. Here on a very discreet table was a smartphone, specifically an iPhone 13 Pro, which was also capable of displaying three-dimensional images without lenses. What surprised us most was that it was a current technology that interacted with the phone’s face-reading sensors to make this possible.

3D video games without glasses

Things finally brightened up when we saw the demo of this technology with a relatively recent game, Final Fantasy XV. This game ran at a good rate of frames per second, and we were able to appreciate and even play it with this effect. At that moment, we realized that the future of video games is very promising and will be possible with the current hardware, we just need to speed up the network a bit more with 5.5G.