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Why is YouTube saying ‘content not available’? reasons and how to fix it

Some users are reporting problems playing videos on YouTube. We examine why this is happening and possible solutions.

Some users are reporting problems playing videos on YouTube. We examine why this is happening and possible solutions.

The major Internet service platforms operate normally all the time, but when one of these services fails, finding a solution becomes a priority. On this occasion, we take a look at the case of YouTube, which in the last few hours has started displaying the message “The following content is not available on this application” prompting users in social media to find a solution to this problem. Let’s explore the reasons behind this problem and discover ways to fix it.

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How to resolve the “Content not available” message on YouTube

Some of these problems are mainly due to connection issues or something not connecting properly with the YouTube servers. While there is a possibility that this may be a problem on YouTube’s end, there are some things you can do to resolve this issue. Here are a few possible solutions:

  1. Refresh the page or restart your browser or application: One of the first solutions we have when encountering this problem is to refresh the page to see if this can load the video. If the problem persists, the next step would be to restart either the browser or the application to see if a restart solves the problem.
  2. Try using a VPN: Although we know that it is not something that every device or computer has, the use of a VPN can help us to enter “through another path” to the video that we want to play by having a new IP (and even helps us to be able to watch videos that for some reason are not available in our country).
  3. Update the app: If the video you are trying to watch is through an app, one of the official solutions provided by Google’s support team is to check if the app has any pending update.
  4. Clear the cache: Another possible solution is to clear the app’s cache to get rid of any content that is no longer needed and is preventing the application from working properly.