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Xbox recently considered buying Nintendo

In an email sent by Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, Nintendo is described as “THE prime asset” for Microsoft.


Microsoft is facing an uncomfortable reality as a number of internal documents leaked in the course of its legal battle with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have come to light. An email from Phil Spencer - head of Xbox - has made clear the company’s interest in acquiring companies such as Nintendo, Valve or Warner Bros. Interactive Games. This despite the fact that the Kyoto-based company scoffed at the idea many years ago.

“Takeshi, I totally agree that Nintendo is THE prime asset for us in gaming and today gaming is our most likely path to consumer relevance,” reads the email, which was sent in June 2020.  “I’ve had numerous conversations with the LT of Nintendo about tighter collaboration and feel like if any US company would have a chance with Nintendo we are probably in the best position.”

As Spencer explained at the time, the situation for acquiring the Japanese company was not idyllic at the time: “The unfortunate (or fortunate for Nintendo) situation is that Nintendo is sitting on a big pile of cash.” He speaks of a former Microsoft board member acquiring shares, suggesting the possibility of new opportunities opening up in the future that they could take advantage of.

Hostile action to take over Nintendo?

However, he did not consider the possibility of a hostile move. “Without that catalyst, I don’t see an angle to a near term mutually agreeable merger of Nintendo and MS and I don’t think hostile action would be a good move so we are good move so we are playing the long game. But our BoD has seen the full write up on Nintendo (and Valve) and they are fully supportive on either if opportunity arises as am I.

As for the possible purchase of Warner Bros. Interactive, the problem is that if they were to acquire it, they would not be able to get their hands on the IPs. On the other hand, Spencer acknowledges that neither ZeniMax Media nor WB are Nintendo. “Getting Nintendo would be a career moment and I honestly believe a good move for both companies.

Among the leaks of the last hours is a new model of Xbox Series X without reader, which changes its appearance and optimizes the hardware, in addition to incorporating a new controller. Unannounced Bethesda games such as remasters of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3, DOOM Year Zero, Dishonored 3 or Ghostwire Tokyo 2 have also come to light. As if that were not enough, Microsoft is planning to launch its next-generation console in 2028.