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xQc has called cheaters on Twitch Rivals Rust Team Battle III

Twitch Rivals Rust Team Battle III is in development and xQc felt he was cheated in one of the recent matches.

Popular Twitch streamer xQc has once again found himself embroiled in controversy, this time accusing fellow Rust streamers of stream sniping and cheating during the recent Twitch Rivals Rust Team Battle III.

The drama began when xQc watched a clip of fellow streamer Tabsy’s base being raided. In the clip, Tabsy, a Rust streamer and part of Team Willjum, can be seen reacting to the raid in real time, which xQc claims is evidence that he was stream sniping.

xQc went on to accuse Tabsy of cheating, claiming that he was using stream sniping to gain an unfair advantage. “This is the cringiest s*** of all time,” xQc said during the stream. “The entire enemy side is in his base, and his chat just emote spams Raid, and this guy goes into comms and says ‘are we getting raided?’ without even thinking and he just F1′s in the middle of a Raid.”

You can also watch the clip here.

Reactions from the community

In a thread on Reddit, the community has weighed in. Some have mentioned that Tabsy was just using his knowledge of the game to give himself an advantage. “I used to watch rust streamers a lot and it’s pretty common for them to hear explosions coming from their base and see F1 kills. Especially if they are fighting with another group,” said user CIMARUTA.

On the other hand, other users have mentioned that this is not the first time that xQc has reacted in this way, mentioning that he “is known for crying stream sniper on a hunch, not realizing how damaging that can be to a smaller streamers reputation”.

xQc calls this Twitch Rivals event as boring.

This is not the first time xQc called out other streamers. The famous streamer had already called out other streamers for being “boring” and “ruining the event” on the first day of Twitch Rivals.

Source | Reddit