All-in: What are the Lakers willing to offer the Nets for Kyrie Irving?

With the Nets set on first round Draft picks being included in any deal and the Lakers previously against the idea, could this change of attitude reap benefits in LA?

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Just when it looked like there was no way a deal could be done, reports are indicating that things just may have changed between the franchises, meaning we could see the point guard reunited with LeBron James.

Lakers appear ready to bring Kyrie Irving to LA

Until very recently, it appeared as though the Lakers and Nets had arrived at a standstill in their trade negotiations regarding Russell Westbrook and Kyrie Irving. Though there were many reasons as to why that was the case, the principle one, was the fact that the Lakers didn’t want to include any first-round picks in their offer, which incidentally was something the Nets were very set on. The stalemate received a jolt, however, when news broke of LeBron James’ declaration that he no longer wished to play with Westbrook, which brings us to the present. With Westbrook’s situation now seemingly untenable, the Lakers have relaxed their stance and that means there’s now the very real possibility that Kyrie Irving could be on their roster next season.

What are the Los Angeles Lakers offering for Kyrie Irving?

According to reports on Wednesday, the Lakers are seemingly ready to cough up a second pick from the first round of the NBA Draft in their offer to the Nets. To be clear that would mean that the Lakers will be giving the Nets both a 2027 and 2029 first-round draft pick in a deal that would see Kyrie Irving suit up in yellow. It’s worth noting, that things aren’t out of the woods just yet with the Nets having previously been unwilling to take on Westbrook in any deal for Irving. To date there has been no confirmation that their position has changed, however, with the Lakers now willing to play ball, we could soon see just that.

Is Kyrie Irving worth it?

Here’s the thing, whether you love him or hate him, Kyrie Irving is a top tier player. While it’s true that his unpredictability, not to mention his now infamous vaccine stance and the fallout of it have been problematic at times, it would be a mistake not to acknowledge him as one of the most talented PGs in the league. When you add to that, the idea that he once shared a locker room with LeBron James and even won himself a championship ring while doing so, the move just makes more sense. That’s before we consider the economic benefit, they will enjoy by offloading Westbrook’s large contract. What remains to be seen at this point, is how the Nets will react to the Lakers shift in attitude and moreover will any possible deal require the help of a third team? For now, all we can do is wait and watch.

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