Could Kyrie Irving’s trade request push Kevin Durant to ask for the same?

Not long ago the Nets star asked for a trade, but backed down. With his partner in crime now asking for the same, will he rethink?

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Are we about to see the collapse of what was supposed to be the NBA’s next super team. The talent had been accumulated, but whether it was the lack of success, a clash of egos, a mixture of the two, or something else completely, the fact remains that the Brooklyn Nets appear to be coming apart.

Kyrie Irving’s trade request brings focus to Kevin Durant

As we now know, Kyrie Irving wants out of Brooklyn. Following a trade request just a day ago, many have already begun talking about potential landing spots. Yet, what few have discussed, is the immediate attention that it has brought to the status of another Nets star, Kevin Durant. Indeed, reports suggest that teams are now actively contacting the franchise, in an effort to learn whether or not Durant could soon be on the market. After all, this is a player who requested a move for himself just last season. Could it be, that Irving’s possible move is the catalyst in what would be a league rocking trade?

To be clear, there has been no word on how Durant views his current situation, but again, he did ask for a trade last summer. At that time, he listed the Miami Heat and Phoenix Suns as his preferred destinations. To that end, the Suns did in fact try to negotiate a deal that involved Deandre Ayton, which the Nets had no interest in. In the end, the band got back together and all seemed right in Brooklyn once again. Except, here we are, which begs the question: How will Kevin Durant react?

What happens if Kevin Durant asks for a trade?

Even if the former MVP requests a trade, let’s be honest, it’s going to take a whole lot to acquire his services. Quite frankly, we’re talking about one of the best players of the modern era - top 5 at the least. That’s to say, that unless a team is willing to part with the family jewels, a move is actually unlikely for the large majority of the teams in the NBA. With that said, we can expect to see many trying. Kevin Durant is one of the best shooters around, but his size and length are where the real issue comes. In truth, those two physical traits make the fact that he’s a sharp shooter unfair. Impossible to guard and similarly hard to handle when he’s on defense, Durant is a rare breed.

What about Kevin Durant’s contract?

Part of what made Durant’s trade request so problematic when it occurred, was the fact that he had signed a four-year, $198 million contract extension in 2021. Now in the first year of said contract, it’s going to take some seriously creative calculations to figure out a way to include him on a roster, but as we just explained, he’s more than worth it. Ultimately, the NBA trade deadline is fast approaching, meaning that if Durant wants out, we’re going to know it within a matter of days. If/when that happens, expect to see a flurry of activity across the board because when all is said and done, it’s Kevin Durant.

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