Is LeBron James the oldest active player in the NBA?

At 38 years old, the Los Angeles Lakers superstar continues to light up the game but where does he fit in the league’s age bracket.

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He’s 38 years young and LeBron James continues to be one of the main reference points in the National Basketball Association.

Before the end of last season, the ‘King’ broke the record for all-time leading scorer, before rumours gathered pace that he would bow out. Those were bluntly stopped in their tracks in recent days.

“I don’t care how many more points I score, or what I can or cannot do on the floor,” James began after picking up the ESPY award for Best Record-Breaking Performance. It was the record of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar he broke in February.

“The real question for me is: can I play without cheating this game? The day I can’t give everything on the floor is the day I’ll be done. Lucky for you guys, that day is not today.”

With that story put to bed and another season with James on court assured, where does he sit in terms of the oldest active player, we wondered? Second it turns out.

Oldest active NBA players

  1. Andre Iguodala | 39 years with 171 days
  2. LeBron James | 38 years with 200 days
  3. P.J. Tucker | 38 years with 74 days
  4. Chris Paul | 38 years with 73 days
  5. Taj Gibson | 38 years with 24 days

As you can see, the current Golden State Warriors player Iguodala tops the list. He has been in the NBA for 19 seasons and has won four titles, including being awarded the MVP of the 2015 Finals.

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